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You can have a place at the table.

Dear Bexar County Voters,


The legislation that passed in the last session did more than just increase the Homestead Exemption. Because of this, I am responding to years of pressure from citizens like me asking that the Chief Appraiser be elected, not appointed. The result, so far, has pushed us one step closer to a goal of transparency in the appraisal process.


Under the new legislation, each appraisal district’s board of directors will now include three positions elected by a majority vote at a county general election for four-year terms. Lawmakers said the change would hold the people who oversee appraisals more accountable to the property owners their decisions affect.


As a business builder, employer and property owner in San Antonio since 1974, I intend to use my experience and learned knowledge about the property tax situation to work positively to find solutions that create transparency in the process, accountability for what often seems to be crazy appraisal results to property owners, and a result being a system we can trust.


So much is possible with a Board that has YOUR best interests at heart.


Now, you have a place at the table.







Let's build a system that...

✅ Is fair and transparent.


✅ Treats taxpayers equally.


✅ Doesn’t require a lawyer for protection.


✅ Will not allow an unfair advantage to those who can afford a lawyer.


✅ Sets the goal to have the number of filed protests less than 10% of total notices.


✅ Sets the goal to have the number of lawsuits in 2024 be less than half of 2023.


✅ Hires people with appropriate certification [MAI, GSA, SLA, SCA].


✅ Improves qualifications of those working the “informal” protest.


✅ Shows complete transparency on baseline values applied by algorithm to entire regions.


✅ Reports more than total appraised values, but total collected taxes for a fiscal year.

Panel Discussion/
Candidate Forum
with Robert Bruce.

March 26, 2024 - San Antonio, Texas

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